- Eero Voutilainen:
You Cannot Say the Same Thing Twice
- Eero Voutilainen:
Showing and Telling: Two Approaches to Reporting and Transcription - Michael Ejstrup:
The Electronic Reference Work of the Danish Parliament - Tony Minichiello:
Training Staff to Report the Select Committees of the House of Commons in the UK - Adrian M. Kelly:
Bilingualism in the Official Report of the Irish Houses of Parliament - Euphraat Mngadi:
Reporting South African Sign Language in the Official Parliamentary Hansard Record - Cameron Smith and Kenneth Reid:
Towards a Substantially Verbatim Official Report Using Automatic Speech Recognition - Lars Busch Nielsen:
Respeaking in the Danish Parliament’s Hansard - Alessandra Checcarelli:
Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Interpreting: which future for professional live reporters and subtitlers? - Luz Belenguer Cortés:
Modalities of Audiovisual Translation: Completing The Spectrum
- Carlo Eugeni:
Strategies in Diamesic Translation
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