Tiro 2/2024
EDITORIAL Eero Voutilainen:A Hundred Perspectives on Reporting and Transcription ARTICLES Andrew Hill:Shorthand in Journalism: A Dying Art? Zhao Weike:Training Professional Stenographers in the [...]
The Power of Dialects: Language and Politics in Reporting
In everyday life we use the term dialect to refer to local or regional variations of a language in terms of its pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. However, in linguistics, a dialect is any [...]
Democracy For All – Strategies for A More Inclusive Future
Introduction In 1948, the United Nations declared (1948, art. 21) democratic participation to be a fundamental right worldwide. However, data from the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy [...]
Verbatim vs. Edited Live Parliamentary Subtitles
Introduction Intralingual live subtitles can be created through different modes, one of which is the technique of respeaking. As Eugeni (2008) defines it, respeaking is “[…] a technique thanks to [...]
Visual Attention During Speech-To-Text Interpreting: Results from an Eye-Tracking Study
Introduction The field of interpreting has been continuously evolving since its emergence and professionalisation, maintaining its dynamic nature. New tasks and phenomena within the profession [...]
The Presidency of Minutes Services in Turkey
Introduction Minutes services in Turkey go back a long way and have a deep-rooted history. Minutes services in the Turkish Grand National Assembly have been ongoing since 1878. In the Ottoman [...]
“Responsible Experimentation” with Generative AI for Parliamentary Reporting
Introduction Using generative AI (GenAI) in the public sector comes with specific concerns related to accuracy, effectiveness, ethics and trust. In an attempt to address these and other [...]
Stenographers and Artificial Intelligence
The impact of Artificial Intelligence For a long time, we knew that Artificial Intelligence (AI) would burst into our lives. But we never thought that it would happen so abruptly and enter [...]
On Chinese Stenography Training from The Perspective of Coaching Technology
Introduction Coaching technology originated in the sports industry of the 1970s. Its main purpose was to allow athletes to get gold medals through optimal training. In the 1980s, this technology [...]