The fourth edition of Tiro is out now with many interesting articles for speech-to-text reporters. The themes of the new issue include the politics of reporting, reporting non-verbal activities, [...]
EDITORIAL Eero Voutilainen:The Politics of Reporting ARTICLES John Vice:Official Reports and Significant But Non-verbal Events Eero Voutilainen:Reporting the Chairperson’s Speech in the Official [...]
The word “verbatim” is a very common word among the reporting, transcription, and subtitling professions. “Verbatim” is not just a technical term, it is also a term used in everyday language. To [...]
Introduction Real-time intralingual subtitling services have become more and more significant since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006. Training [...]
Introduction: The Vision of Ihsan Yener The Turkish Standard Keyboard Layout, often called the F-keyboard, was created in 1955 by Ihsan Yener PhD (1925–2016). Having graduated from the Istanbul [...]
Innovations most often come in waves, and the third industrial revolution, promising the digitalisation of manufacturing, happens to coincide with the third wave of automatic speech recognition [...]
A virtual symposium After being unable to host delegates in Edinburgh in 2020, this year reporters and editors from the Scottish Parliament’s Official Report held the British-Irish Parliamentary [...]
It was on Tuesday 11 May 2021 that we first heard rumours of an upcoming filibuster in Parliament. None of us at the Records Office had experienced it ourselves, but most of us had heard enough [...]
Introduction Early in 2015, both the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Netherlands started planning to move house. This was after it had become clear that the then-occupied historic [...]
Introduction Since the beginning of 2021, parliamentary reporters in the Finnish Parliament have included the chairperson’s speaking turns between the MPs’ speeches in the official report. [...]